
Web Strategy &
Front End Web Development

With a robust background in product management and web strategy, I specialize in driving conversion rate optimization and enhancing user experiences. My dual expertise in design and development enables me to create data-driven strategies that seamlessly integrate product goals with cutting-edge web solutions. By leveraging these skills, I have successfully contributed to building and optimizing the pipeline, significantly increasing engagement and conversions. Below are projects where I've implemented front-end development techniques to boost performance, optimizing websites for both desktop and mobile users.

The Github repos I worked in are private with the company, should you like to see samples of my code feel free to reach out.
Should you also like to see a sample case study please reach out.


Recent Projects


Developer Tool Belt 


Eastlake Gathering a property that was for sale in Seattle. 

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Social Fly a social media planning company wanted a separate site for all of their live video archives. 


A property management group in New York City 

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Industry City is a large venue in Brooklyn that host events and other companies work space.

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Jim Curtis is the author of The Stimulati Experience that made its debut last spring 

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Mr. John is a porto-potty service available on the east coast and here I created a calculator to help people figure out how many units they would need for construction or special events

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